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I’m Stephen Belyea

I am an Accessibility Nerd + Front End Developer with over a decade’s experience building things for the web. I like to write stuff too.

Reach out on LinkedIn if you’re in Kitchener and want to grab some coffee. Thanks for stopping by!

Werds and werks

Explore my writing, prototyping, tinkering, and assorted thoughts I’ve jumbled together.

Building a static podcast archive: Part 1

Jan 6, 2024

Like many other folks working for tech startups, I was laid-off in the final months of 2023. This lead to some extra time for side-projects and seemed like a good opportunity to archive Station Zed; keeping it online and cutting down on recurring costs.

Pardon my french

Nov 19, 2020

This year has been an active one for me when it comes to writing. I've been publishing across four different blog platforms, including some paid.

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